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On the Town Office Wladyslawowo http://wladyslawowo.pl/wiadomosci/2/wiadomosc/91247/akcja_numeracja
in the Communication Action Numbering of 05 APRIL 2016 - Paper Public Utilities, Local Development and Environment of the Municipal Office in Wladyslawowo and the Municipal Police in Wladyslawowo reminded that the demise of the Law of 4 March 2010. spatial information infrastructure (Dz. U. 2010. No. 76, item. 489 as amended.), there is an obligation placed by property owners, in a prominent position on the front wall of the building plates with street name and serial number.
This plate, as shown in the above image, is placed on a year-round accommodation Cetniewo Olenka Wladyslawowo ul. Cetniewska 15. The plate number is both the property and the street name. Plate is illuminated at night. This is certainly a great convenience for our guests, who for the first time choose accommodation in Cetniewo Cetniewo Olenka.
Below is a plaque with the inscription "Rooms" with no registration accommodation, according to the decree No. 229/2005 Mayor Władysławowa of 15 February 2005.