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For lovers of cycling, which in Poland is becoming increasingly popular as a way to spend holidays, including holidays by the sea, in the immediate area and Cetniewo Wladyslawowo, inter alia, expanded bike path Puck - Hel. Ultimately, the plans will be up to Gdynia.

Currently, nearly pięćdziesięciokilometrowa very attractive cycle route from Puck by Wladyslawowo to Hel runs around the Bay of Puck. It is ideal for an active holiday at the seaside for cyclists, because almost all the time is a beautiful view of the bay. The route is scenic places including the Swarzenie, Chałupy, Forge and Jastarnia. The bike trail will appreciate people who like active holidays and holidays at the same time, the sea, forest and beaches - because it will have everything in its path between Władyslawowa and Hel or Władyslawowa and Puck.

You can explore Classifieds bike. Bicycle path and get the Wladyslawowo Cetniewo to Jastarnia or Hel, and thence to a waterway Tri - water buses . Trams are equipped to take on board the bike.

In nearby Cetniewo Olenka private accommodation in Wladyslawowo, the neighbors on the street is Cetniewskiej a Bicycle.